Construction has a costly pain problem.

Is your company prepared to to address it?


RealizedCare offers a digital chronic pain management benefit solution that addresses the physical, mental, and social factors that drive your employees' pain.

6 Ways a Digital Pain Management Benefit Supports Construction Employees.

Improve job site productivity and presenteeism
Return to work
Strengthen support for employee's return to work 
Boost employee satisfcation

Boost employee satisfaction and retention

Reduce medication misuse
Provide a non-opioid option for pain 
Curbing costs
Reduce high healthcare spend
Mental & Social Health
Address pain-related mental and social health challenges


        We work with you to promote the program

        and identify individuals who many benefit.



        Each employee completes onboarding and

        clinical assessment guided by our

        proprietary conversational AI



        Members receive a tailored care plan

        focused on their unique goals and

        motivation for addressing pain


        Content-rich care plan, one-on-one human health coaching,

        AI-support, and a customized exercise playlist

        helps individuals build skills to manage their pain.



        Ongoing assessments measure progress and evolve

        the member's personal care plan



        When the member feels ready, they can graduate while still

        retaining access to all the resources in their care plan.

Our members say it best

"I found the mental component to managing my pain was most helpful..."

“I found the mental component to managing my pain most helpful, from recognizing that my pain sensitivity or expectation of pain was holding me back and using the methods to talk myself through a flare up, having a plan and then allowing myself to do it.”

Fern Member

"The exercise program was at my ability level, so I was able to follow through"

“I met every week with the same coach. He offered lots of encouragement and helped me modify exercises that weren’t working. The exercise program was a real success for me, because they were at my ability level so I could follow through with them. Instead of getting frustrated and quitting.””

Peg, Retired Nurse and Fern Member

“I had a terrific coach that helped me through tough times”

“I was given exercises that I was able to do. The articles were short and to the point. The articles listed the time it would take to read. Most of all, I had a terrific coach that helped me get through tough times. He was always positive, but not goopy. He worked through different strategies for doing exercises and events coming up in my life.”

Fern Member

Rebuild your workforce.

Go beyond digital physical therapy and provide the relief your employees need.

Interested in leveraging

cutting-edge technology?

Consider our virtual reality-based 

movement experience.

Employees who qualify can benefit from an immersive experience that provides:

  • Graded exercise and movement that help individuals overcome fear of movement
  • Pain neuroscience education clinically proven to help individuals understand their pain and hurt less
  • Guided mindfulness practices that calm their nervous system.

Your one-stop shop for pain and mental health resources

eBook | A Chronic Pain Primer for Employers

Our primer explains what chronic pain is, its costs, and how employers can take a proactive approach to managing it that isn't just physical therapy.


Comparison | How does Fern stack up?

Understand the differences between what Fern provides versus what other traditional MSK benefit solutions do.

Read more

Results | Hear from Fern Members

Learn how Fern has helped members reclaim their lives from chronic pain and enabled them to get back to doing what they love.

Read more

Schedule time to discuss how RealizedCare's pain solution can support your workforce