Why people trust Fern

Don’t take our word for it – here’s what members have to say



Making small goals each week led to big results

"After years of living with chronic pain, I had very little hope that I would ever live a normal life. My journey began in 2018, when a seemingly innocuous leg pain escalated into a fractured pelvis with no clear cause. Doctor after doctor, test after test, each visit revealed something new that was wrong. I had my gallbladder removed, a heart cath, and a spinal fusion. But each time, the pain persisted. 

I learned about the Fern program as part of my insurance benefits when I was dealing with frozen shoulder. I didn’t want to take opioids. The program’s holistic approach to address pain, rather than just manage symptoms, intrigued me.

I met with my health coach weekly and we customized the program to meet what I needed from moment to moment. I learned about the power of mindfulness, nutrition, sleep, and how important daily movement is. Every time we met, she helped me set a goal to focus on for that week, like drinking more water. And she kept me accountable. 

Now, I’m going out more and enjoying life. Pain no longer rules my life, because I have these pain-management tools in my toolbelt."



I'm back to enjoying activities I love – like gardening

"Before discovering the Fern pain management program, my life was consumed by chronic pain. From childhood arthritis to debilitating knee problems and carpal tunnel syndrome, each day was a battle. Simple tasks like walking down the hallway at work, cutting up the meat on my plate, or enjoying time in the garden became a challenge. If I went a couple of days without taking my anti-inflammatory meds, I almost wouldn't be able to walk. Despite trying various medications, injections, and therapies, the pain persisted. Things I enjoyed in life continued to be taken from me. 

Then, I came across the Fern program. I thought to myself, I’ll do it – even if I take away just one thing that helps me sleep at night. I wanted my life back. The program helped me figure out how to pace myself. By being more mindful about my body's signals, I broke free from the cycle of overexertion and exacerbating my symptoms. 

Today, I can enjoy gardening with frequent breaks – without overdoing it."



I’m no longer bound to my wheelchair when my husband and I do activities that require lots of walking.

"I battle severe arthritis, avascular necrosis, and on top of that, asthma, which makes all my other symptoms worse. I’ve tried physical therapy, arthritis medications, and injections. Narcotics were out of the question and over the counter pills don’t touch the pain. I am in constant pain and nothing I’ve tried helps. I eventually resorted to using a wheelchair to enjoy activities that involved a lot of walking, such as a visit to the zoo.

I tried the Fern program in the hopes of becoming less dependent on the wheelchair, and to experience less pain and increase my stamina. I met every week with the same coach. He offered lots of encouragement and helped me modify exercises that weren’t working. The exercise program was a real success for me, because they were at my ability level so I could follow through with them. Instead of getting frustrated and quitting. My coach also helped me think through how to navigate an upcoming event, what it would require, and where or how I could take breaks so that I could participate in the experience.

I’m able to do some activities now without my wheelchair that I couldn’t before. I plan to continue with the program so that eventually I can get back to enjoying life with my husband and doing things together we used to enjoy, like traveling."

Learn how Fern can help you manage chronic pain and get relief.